500 year's old fish fair or matso Mela has been held yesterday at Krishnapur village near Debanandapur - the birthplace of Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay in Hooghly district. The fair use to held near the 'akhra' of Raghunath Das Babaji whose name one can find in the novel of Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay. The most remarkable feature of this fish fare is that here one can buy a small piece from a big fish. Every kind of fish - from chara pona to rui, katla, mrigel, deshi bhetki, bhola bhetki, mumbai bhetki, ilish, chingri, gurjali, aar, golda chingri, topse, pakhi mach, hatir kaan, badur mach, shankar mach, boal mach use to sell in this fair. And bigger fishes are the main attraction of this fair. A 25 kg Aar fish was one of the main attraction of this fair as seen in this picture.