'Mela Bari' of Serampore is still famous although the past glory of
this mela is now faded away...
It is the house of Khsetra Mohan Sha who came from an unknown village
of Bihar in the middle of nineteenth century and started residing at
Serampore of Hooghly district. It was the Oxford Street near railway
station of British period where he resided. But now it is known to all
as K M Sha Street (by his name).
At the beginning, he was the employee of East India Company's railway.
But, at the same time, he earned plenty of wealth by business. And he
spent many for the betterment of Hindus. Inspired by the Hindu Mela at
the house of Duncan saheb at Belgachia, Khsetra Mohan started Krishi
Shilpa Pradarshani O Mela (Exhibition cum fair of agriculture and art)
named under Shri Shri Shiv Shankar Jiu on the auspicious day of
Shiv-Ratri in the year 1897 in the premises of temples founded by him
in front of his residence at Serampore. Moreover, he founded a school,