Koushiki Amavasya Puja At Tarapith
>14 September 2023 Koushiki Amavasya Puja will be performed at Tara Ma Temple of Tarapith, Birbhum. This year, Amavas tithi will fall on 14 Sept. at 4:30 am and will stay upto 6:30 am of 15 Sept. Lakhs of pilgrims and devotees are coming at Tarapith to witness the auspicious puja of Ma Tara. It says that Bam Dev - the famous devotee of Ma Tara lived many years ago, was witnessed the presence of Tara Ma on this night of Koushiki Amavasya hundred years ago. Since then, this night use to reckon as most pious and auspicious occasion to witness Ma Tara. And so, the devotees of Tara Ma are eagerly waiting for the Amavas tithi to witness the special puja of Tara Ma at Tarapith temple.