Bangladesh Film Festival In Kolkata
Today, inauguration of 3-day long Bangladesh film festival at Nandan,
Hall-1, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata.
Theme of the festival - 'Bangladesh Muktijuddho in celluloid'. The
inaugural cinema- Matir Maina 'The Clay Bird'. Besides, the following
films will be screened - Khelaghar 'Doll House' ; Joyjatra; Khanda
galpo '1971-A Few Shattered Tales'; Aamar bondhu Rashed 'My
Friend Rashed'; Guerrilla
Hall-1, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata.
Theme of the festival - 'Bangladesh Muktijuddho in celluloid'. The
inaugural cinema- Matir Maina 'The Clay Bird'. Besides, the following
films will be screened - Khelaghar 'Doll House' ; Joyjatra; Khanda
galpo '1971-A Few Shattered Tales'; Aamar bondhu Rashed 'My
Friend Rashed'; Guerrilla
The festival is open to all.--
A. B.